vocational education as Chemical-technical Assistent at the Kerschensteinerschule Stuttgart/Germany
Jahrestagung des Regionalverbandes SüdWest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft
March, 03 - 04, 2008, Hohenheim/Germany
Katja Lehnert, Voker Schaible, Walter Vetter: Gewinnung von Lipiden aus verschiedenen Matrices unter Einsatz der mikrowellenunterstützten Extraktion in offenen Gefäßen. Lebensmittelchemie
Jahrestagung des Regionalverbandes SüdWest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft
March, 05 - 06, 2012, Kaiserslautern/Germany
Katja Lehnert, Markus Schröder, Walter Vetter: Identifizierung von raffinierten pflanzlichen Ölen mittels des relativen Anteils an cis-Phytol.
Jahrestagung des Regionalverbands Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft
March, 19 - 20, 2013, Karlsruhe/Germany
Simon Hammann, Katja Lehnert, Sabine Zikeli, Walter Vetter: Nachweis von Beimischungen ausgewählter Cerealien zu Amarant anhand charakteristischer Sterole.
Jahrestagung des Regionalverbands Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft
March, 19 - 20, 2013, Karlsruhe/Germany
Paul Bendig, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter: Sind Bromphenole Aromabestandteile von Whisky?
Landwirtschaftlicher Hochschultag 2013
June, 12, 2013, Stuttgart Hohenheim/Germany
Stefanie Kaffarnik, Markus Schröder, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter: Echtheitskontrolle (Authentifizierung) von Biomilch mittels Markersubstanzen.
11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress
October, 27 - 30, 2013 Antalya/Turkey
Simon Hammann, Katja Lehnert, Sabine Zikeli, Walter Vetter: Characteristic Sterols allow the Detection of Cereal Admixture to Amaranth and the Determination of Amaranth Levels.
Arbeitstagung des Regionalverbandes Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft,
March 10 - 11, 2014, Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße/Germany
Dorothee Eibler, Stefanie Kaffarnik, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter: Untersuchung von ökologisch und konventionell erzeugter Milch aus Australien.
Arbeitstagung des Regionalverbandes Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft,
March 10 - 11, 2014, Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße/Germany
Katja Lehnert, Markus Schröder, Walter Vetter: Bestimmung von Kainsäure in Makroalgen (Palmaria palmata).
Arbeitstagung des Regionalverbandes Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft,
March 12th, 2015, Geisenheim/Germany
Katja Lehnert, Nina Larisa Lutz, Markus Schröder, Walter Vetter: Phytansäure in Wildlachs, Zuchtlachs und Biolachs.
45. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag,
September, 12 - 14, 2016, Freising-Weihenstephan/Germany
Stephanie Krauß, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter: trans-Fettsäuren in frittierten Pommes frites aus Imbissbuden.
55. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung,
March, 07 - 09, 2018, Hohenheim/Germany
Seethaler B., Basrai M., Yahiaoui-Doktor M., Lehnert K., Vetter W., Engel C., Halle, M., Siniatchkin M., Kiechle M., Bischoff S.C.: Einfluss der mediterranen Ernährung auf die Erythrozytenmembran bei Frauen mit erhöhtem Brustkrebsrisiko im Rahmen einer Lebensstil-Interventionsstudie (LIBRE).
45. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag,
17. -19. September 2018, Berlin/Germany
Katja Lehnert, Melanie Burandt, Nina L. Lutz, Markus Schröder, Walter Vetter: Phytansäure in Lachs und Shrimps aus Wildfang, Aquakultur und Biohaltung.
Arbeitstagung des Regionalverbandes Südwest der Lebensmittelchemischen Gesellschaft,
March, 05 - 06, 2019, Stuttgart Hohenheim/Germany
Saskia Michaelis, Nina Wiedmaier-Czerny, Stephanie Krauß, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter: trans-Fettsäuren am Beispiel frittierter Pommes frites von öffentlichen Veranstaltungen.
48. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag,
September, 16 - 18, 2019, Dresden/Germany
Katja Lehnert, Mamun M. Rashid, Benoy K. Barman, Walter Vetter: Azelainsäure im Kopfgewebe von Tilapia aus Aquakultur.
LChG Tweet-your-Poster-Event 2020:,
September, 14 - 15, 2020 (online)
Alejandra Muñoz-González, Katja Lehnert, Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, Jan Frank, Walter Vetter: Effect of nitrogen depletion in the lipid content and fatty acid profile of the microalgae Monoodopsis subterranea.
Walter Vetter, Steffen Ruppe, Katja Lehnert, Anke Neumann (2005):
Anaerobic transformation of four abundant organochlorine pesticide residues (B8-1413, B9-1679, oxychlordane, p,p´-DDE) in extracts of Antarctic skua eggs by the isolated bacterium Sulfurospirillum multivorans.
Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 87: 229-235
Simon Gaul, Katja Lehnert, Jürgen Conrad, Walter Vetter (2005):
HPLC isolation and NMR structure elucidation of the most prominent octabromo isomer in technical octabromo diphenyl ether.
J. Sep. Sci. 28, 2268-2274
Walter Vetter, Katja Lehnert, Georg Hottinger (2006):
Enantioseparation of chiral organochlorines on permethylated α- and γ-cyclodextrin, as well as 1:1 mixtures of them.
J. Chromatogr. Sci. 44: 596-601
Walter Vetter, Wolfgang Armbruster, Tatiana R. Betson, Jürgen Schleucher, Thomas Kapp, Katja Lehnert (2006):
Baseline isotopic data of polyhalogenated compounds.
Anal. Chim. Acta 577: 250-256
Wolfgang Armbruster, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter (2006):
Etablishing a chromium-reactor design for measuring δ2H values of solid polyhalogenated compounds using direct elemental analysis and stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry.
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 384: 237-243
Saskia Thurnhofer, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter (2008):
Exclusive quantification of methyl branched fatty acids and minor 18:1-isomers in foodstuff by GC/MS in the SIM mode using 10,11-dichloroundecanoic acid and fatty acid ethyl esters as internal standards.
Eur. Food Res. Technol. 226: 975-983
Josef Hiebl, Katja Lehnert, and Walter Vetter (2011):
Identification of a Fungi-Derived Terrestrial Halogenated Natural Product in Wild Boar (Sus scrofa).
J. Agric. Food Chem. 59: 6188-6192 (DOI: 10.1021/jf201128r)
Natalie Rosenfelder, Katja Lehnert, Stefanie Kaffarnik, Joao P. M. Torres, Marcelo Vianna, Walter Vetter (2012):
Thorough analysis of polyhalogenated compounds in ray liver samples off the coast of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil.
Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19: 379-389 (DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0569-2)
Walter Vetter, Markus Schröder, Katja Lehnert (2012):
Differentiation of refined and virgin edible oils by means of the trans- and cis-phytol isomer distribution.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 60: 6103-6107 (DOI: 10.1021/jf301373k)
Paul Bendig, Lisa Maier, Katja Lehnert, Holger Knapp, Walter Vetter (2013):
Mass spectra of the methyl esters of brominated fatty acids and their presence in soft drinks and cocktail syrups.
Rapid Comm. Mass Spectrom. 27: 1083-1089 (DOI: 10.1002/rcm.6543)
Paul Bendig, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter (2014):
Quantification of bromophenols in Islay Whiskies.
J. Agric. Food Chem. 62: 2767-2771 (DOI: 10.1021/jf405006e)
Stefanie Kaffarnik, Markus Schröder, Katja Lehnert, Ton Baars, Walter Vetter (2014):
δ13C values and phytanic acid diastereomer ratios: combined evaluation of two markers suggested for authentication of organic milk and dairy products.
Eur. Food Res. Technol. 238: 819-827 (DOI: 10.1007/s00217-014-2158-3)
Markus Schröder, Katja Lehnert, Simon Hammann, Walter Vetter (2014):
Dihydrophytol and phytol isomers as marker substances for hydrogenated and refined vegetable oils.
Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 116: 1372-1380 (DOI: 10.1002/ejlt.201400095)
Simon Hammann, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter (2016):
Esterified sterols and their contribution to the total sterols in edible mushrooms.
Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 54: 48-54 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2016.10.002)
Judith Lauvai, Anna-Karina Becker, Katja Lehnert, Monika Schumacher, Bettina Hieronimus, Walter Vetter, Lutz Graeve (2019):
The furan fatty acid 9M5 acts as a partial ligand to peroxisome proliferator‐activated receptor gamma and enhances adipogenesis in 3T3‐L1 preadipocytes.
Lipids 54: 277-288 (DOI: 10.1002/lipd.12152)
Walter Vetter, Vanessa Darwisch and Katja Lehnert (2020):
Erucic acid in Brassicaceae and salmon - an evaluation of the new proposed limits of erucic acid in food.
NFS Journal 19: 9-15 (DOI: 10.1016/j.nfs.2020.03.002)
Benjamin Seethaler, Maryam Basrai, Walter Vetter, Katja Lehnert, Christoph Engel, Michael Siniatchkin, Martin Halle, Marion Kiechle, Stephan Bischoff (2020):
Change of fatty acid profiles in red blood cell membranes following the Mediterranean diet in the lifestyle intervention study in women at risk for hereditary breast cancer (LIBRE), a randomized trial.
Clin. Nutr. 39: 2389-2398 (DOI: 10.1016/j.clnu.2019.10.033)
Katja Lehnert, Mamun M. Rashid, Benoy Kumar Barman, Walter Vetter (2021):
Identification and quantification of dicarboxylic fatty acids in head tissue of farmed Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).
Eur. Food Res. Technol. 247: 1771-1780 (DOI: 10.1007/s00217-021-03747-5)
Lena Stiefvatter, Katja Lehnert, Konstantin Frick, Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, Jan Frank, Walter Vetter, Ulrike Schmid-Staiger, Stephan C. Bischoff (2021):
Oral bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids and carotenoids from the microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum in healthy young adults.
Marine Drugs 19: 700 (DOI: 10.3390/md19120700)
Americo Uaciquete, Neid Ali Ferreir, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter, Nadine Sus, Wolfgang Stuetz (2022):
Effect of two postharvest technologies on the micronutrient profile of cashew kernels from Mozambique.
Food Sci Nutr. 10: 179-190 (DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.2658)
Alexander Montoya Arroyo, Katja Lehnert, Peter E. Lux, Víctor M. Jiménez, Patricia Esquivel, Ana Margarita Silva-Benavides, Walter Vetter, Jan Frank (2022):
11’-α-Tocomonoenol is the major α-tocomonoenol isomer in cyanobacteria and microalgae from Costa Rica.
J. Food Comp. Anal. 107: 104325 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2021.104325)
Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, Katja Lehnert, Alejandra Muñoz-González, Ulrike Schmid-Staiger, Walter Vetter, Jan Frank (2022):
Tocochromanol profiles in Chlorella sorokiniana, Nannochloropsis limnetica and Tetraselmis suecica confirm the presence of 11’-α-tocomonoenol in cultured microalgae independently of species and origin.
Foods 11: 396 (DOI: 10.3390/foods11030396)
Lena Stiefvatter, Konstantin Frick, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter, Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, Jan Frank, Ulrike Schmid-Staiger, Stephan C. Bischoff (2022):
Potentially beneficial effects on healthy aging by supplementation of the EPA-rich microalgae Phaeodactylum tricornutum or its supernatant – a randomized controlled trial in elderly individuals.
Mar. Drugs 20: 716 (DOI: 10.3390/md20110716)
Lena Kopp, Anna Schweinlin, Lina Tingö, Ashley N. Hutchinson, Viktoria Feit, Tabea Jähnichen, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter, Andreas Rings, Morten G. Jensen, Robert J. Brummer, Stephan C. Bischoff (2023):
Potential modulation of inflammation and physical function by combined probiotic, omega-3 supplementation and vitamin D supplementation in patients with overweight/obesity and chronic low-grade inflammation - a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Intern. J. Mol. Sci. 24: 8567 (DOI: 10.3390/ijms24108567)
Benjamin Seethaler, Katja Lehnert, Maryam Yahiaoui, Maryam Basrai, Walter Vetter, Marion Kiechle, Stephan C. Bischoff (2023):
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids improve intestinal barrier integrity - albeit to a lesser degree than short-chain fatty acids: lessons from the randomized controlled LIBRE trial.
Eur. J. Nutr. 62: 2779-2791 (DOI: 10.1007/s00394-023-03172-2)
Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, Alejandra Muñoz-González, Katja Lehnert, Konstantin Frick, Ulrike Schmid-Staiger, Walter Vetter, Jan Frank (2024):
Monodopsis subterranea is a source of α-tocomonoenol and its concentration is not affected by nitrogen depletion.
Food Sci. Nutr. 12: 1869-1879 (DOI: 10.1002/fsn3.3880)
Edward Rudt, Christian Faist, Vera Schwantes, Nele Konrad, Nina Wiedmaier-Czerny, Katja Lehnert, Shiri Topman-Rakover, Aya Brill, Saul Burdman, Zvi Hayouka, Walter Vetter, Heiko Hayen (2024):
LC-MS/MS-based phospholipid profiling of plant-pathogenic bacteria with tailored separation of methyl-branched species.
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 416: 5513-5525 (DOI: 10.1007/s00216-024-05451-1)
Yan Zheng, Katja Lehnert, Walter Vetter (2025):
The high share of steryl esters is responsible for the unusual sterol pattern of black goji berries.
J. Food Comp. Anal. 137: 106921 (DOI: 10.1016/j.jfca.2024.106921)
Arbeitstagungen 2022 Gemeinsame Online-Vortragsreihe der Regionalverbände und der AG JLC:
29. - 30. März 2022 (online)
Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, K. Lehnert, A. Muñoz-González, P. E. Lux, U.Schmid-Staiger, V. M. Jiménez, P. Esquivel, A. M. Silva-Benavides, W. Vetter, J. Frank: Tocochromanol analysis indicate that land-associated 11'-α- tocomonoenol is the major α-tocomonoenol isomer in cultured microalgae.